Every player is bound to pick some up in their travels, but crafting even more will come in handy often. Perfect in a pinch, use these to wreak havoc when spells are on cooldown. Adding augmentors to crafted potions can make them more potent. Players should grab empty potion bottles wherever they can, and use Rivellon's flora to make elixirs to heal and buff themselves. Healing items are essential for a ragtag group of Godwoken being hunted by Magisters and Voidwoken alike. On the other hand, this category comes in handy over the course of the whole game. This crafting category quickly becomes obsolete once players start picking up decent gear. When they first arrive in Fort Joy, players are fairly defenseless these recipes allow them to craft such magnificent weapons as Makeshift Wand and Sharp Stone On A Stick. This crafting category comes in handy until around level three. In the Recipe section of the crafting menu, these are broken down into categories: weapons, potions, grenades, arrows, armor, food, objects, runes, and grimoire. NEXT: Divinity Original Sin 2: How to Rescue Nine Lives (Black Cat+)ĭivinity: Original Sin 2 is available on PC, Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch.There's a huge array of craftable items in Original Sin 2. While the Vulture Armor set is not technically the best armor in Divinity: Original Sin 2, its unique buffs and innate powers make it worth picking up. While players can mix and match pieces, having the full set provides unique buffs, including permanent flight, farsight of +4m on all ranged attacks, immunity to Blinding, additional damage on hit, and the Vulture's Prayer and Dust Blast skills.

Players will need to combine the Vulture Feathers with pieces of leather armor to make the set. Dropping the feathers on the ground and casting Bless gets rid of the curse, or players can create a cursed armor set, equip it, and cast Bless later to remove the curse.

If the player wins, they get Cursed Vulture Feathers. It is recommended to be at least level 15 before attempting this. Players can also end up fighting Duna’s Undertaker to resolve the situation. This information is also found in a book in the Witch House north of Driftwood at X:367, Y:227 for reference. If this is done correctly, the player will get Blessed Vulture Feathers. Then, they will need to select Say that you intend to save the souls of the fallen. Players must select the Tell the creature that you are here to receive its blessing option. It is possible to avoid combat with Duna's Undertaker. Offering it to Mordus’ Excavation Site summons Duna’s Undertaker.

Players will need to craft Source Infused Meat by combining Raw Mutton, Source Orb, and Earth Essence. The next part of the quest takes place in Reaper’s Coast, specifically at X:218, Y:33.