LeagueLocaleLauncher will help LoL gamers gain even more access by allowing them to keep in touch with various other individuals playing the same game in other regions. In all seriousness, simple is in most cases also good, mainly because nobody has time to tinker that much with apps. This is not to say that it is necessarily bad. If you’re expecting some sort of complicated application, then you’ll be surprised to see that the program itself is made up of two drop-down lists and a big red button. It’s simple and it might change the whole game experience for some of the users. LeagueLocaleLauncher promises to help remove that barrier, simply by allowing you to change otherwise inaccessible settings to your favor. If you’re a fan of League of Legends, the following app might just make your day better, especially if you’ve been trying to gain access to a specific region but have not been able to get past the language barrier.

What's new in LeagueLocaleLauncher 1.2.3: